TKO Viny Dipped Kettlebells 857KBV

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TKO Vinyl Coated Kettlebells


If you are striving to develop strength, endurance, and balance, there is no better workout equipment than kettlebells. Varying in weight and size, kettlebells give everyone the opportunity to become their best self. TKO Vinyl Coated Kettlebells are optimal because they look great are built to last.

TKO Vinyl Coated Kettlebells are beloved by cross trainers. Cast from a single piece of high-grade industrial solid steel, they are virtually impossible to break. (Which is great for anyone building a home gym on a budget, and for gym owners tired of seeing fragile equipment broken by careless patrons!)

Furthermore, these kettlebells are made with extra large handles, making them easy to hold and grip. The weight and stability of these unique kettlebells makes them one of the smoothest product lines on the market. You will experience maximum comfort as you workout, whether it be snatches, swings, cleans, or jerks.

The TKO Vinyl Coated Kettlebells are popular because they form a great workout, however, that isn’t the only benefit. The slick vinyl sheen on the kettlebells is designed to protect the environment in the gym. The kettlebells will not scuff or damage floors. The vinyl also reduces noise, so there won’t be loud clunking during CrossFit.

Kettlebells are a popular choice among athletes because they help build muscular endurance. The kettlebells are available in weights ranging from 5 lbs to 50 lbs. That means there is a perfect weight for people of all fitness levels.

Kettlebells never get boring. They are safe for any age, shape or size, which makes them the perfect addition to any gym. If you are interested in adding kettlebells to your arsenal of equipment, TKO Vinyl Coated Kettlebells are the highest standard. They provide the stability exercisers crave while providing gym owners with the benefit of longevity, quietness, and cleanliness.


Orders under 150lbs total weight will be shipped UPS, FedEx or USPS.

Orders over 150lbs total weight will be shipped freight (SMW will not ship freight outside the continental US)

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Show Me Weights can be deliver and install products within the St. Louis Metro Area. Pricing varies per item. Call for a quote.

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